2nd Chertsey Session
After my first session and blank on Chertsey I decided on a different approach. Both rods were to be rigged up with hinged stiff rigs on leadcore leaders with fluro pop ups. I arrived at the lake Friday around 2pm and made my way round the right bank. I decided to settle in a swim that overlooks M3 (lovely). The topography in my swim was uniform and I was fishing in 5ft of gin clear water. I walked around and gathered some information from the syndicate members on where the carp were showing etc. I flicked out both rods feeling down the leads until I hit solid ground, this was followed by 20 trigga ice baits scattered into the ripples that the lead had left.
At around 7pm whilst looking out over the water for fish a Carp rolled over my left hand rod. In anticipation I hovered my hand over the rod expecting a take. 15 minutes later the it screamed off and I engaged the bait runner to have the horrible sensation of slack line. I was gutted to think I had missed out on my first elusive Chertsey carp. All I could put it down to was that the carp had been nicked in the mouth and the hook had pulled. Back the rod went on the same spot. During the night I had a take on my other rod which resulted in a bream of around 8lb (It even took my bait runner!!!).

The next night quickly went by with only a couple of liners. On the last day of my session Terry Hearn was back at the lake. He had a fully scaled mirror on his last trip and he congratulated me on my catch commenting on the low stock of carp the water held and what a great fish it was (top man). That was to be the second highlight that concluded my trip. Hopefully next time I write this I will have had a 30 +.
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