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R.I.P The Mere
I have just discovered that the Mere has had a fish kill. The Black Mirror is dead along with an un-confirmed common of over 60lb and a "would be” British record. Along with the carp British record tench and eels were found. Everything in the lake is dead including snails and other aquatic life. This is a sad day for fishing as the mere held some real Jewell's. Although it was illegal to fish the lake it was a real challenge. I am sad to never have had the chance to fish there. This massive disaster happened due to an algae bloom. The Black Mirror was caught first by Jason Hayward in 1992 at 46lb. Terry Hearn and Dave Lane (Picture below) both managed to catch the fish and in their books mentioned seeing an even bigger common. She went over 50lb. This fish kill comes two weeks after Two Tone was found dead. It’s been a bad month for fishing.
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